Are you somewhat of a foodie? Do you think you know everything there is to know about food – whether you are cooking, baking, shopping or just generally eating? After the following video you might just need to think again… Check out the following 12 little known food facts that will really shock you! Trust me on this one. […]
Is Obesity A Disability? How To Get Rid Of Stomach Fat
n a decision that has sparked great interest and potentially widespread implications for employers across Europe, the European Court of Justice, the EU’s highest court, has ruled that obesity can, in certain circumstances, be considered a disability.
The case centers around a childcare worker Mr Karsten Kaltoft’s who claims he was dismissed from his job for being too fat. […]
Burn Belly Fat Fast At 7 Of The Worlds Coolest Gyms
f you are looking to burn belly fat fast – in many cases you will want to join a gym… a great gym.
Well… what makes a great gym? The latest cardio machine technology, extensive free weights area, great customer service, no need to wait on machines or perhaps it is the great atmosphere. Everyone has a different opinion on what it takes to become the best gym about. […]
Love It Or Hate It? How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat With Crossfit
Are you familiar with Crossfit? I imagine you will have heard at least something about the much loved and much maligned fitness craze that has been sweeping the world over the last few years.
Hundreds of thousands of people have joined the Crossfit cult. Perhaps even more. And just as soon as they start sharing their sweat and pain with relative strangers it seems they’re hooked. […]
Turn Your Old Couch Into Running Shoes And Reduce Belly Fat
When you ask any fitness expert how to reduce belly fat and get that flat sexy stomach back – the first thing they will probably tell you is to get off the couch and get your running shoes on and to head off for a jog or perhaps a gym session. That seems like a good place to start. […]
9 Ways To Lose Stomach Fat Using The Apple Watch
The funky new Apple Watch is the talk of the town. Apple says it will revolutionize fitness. But will this new gadget really help with ways to lose stomach fat? We have a bit of a think about it and here are 9 quick ways we think the Apple Watch could help to flatten and define that stomach of yours once and for all. […]
How To Lose Your Stomach Fat On A Pacific Island
Samoa. A wonderful pacific hideaway. Full of glorious beaches, crystal clear warm water, friendly locals, great surf, plus steaming heat and humidity. Here is a little snapshot of what you are missing out on below…
My family and I have had the pleasure of moving from the (relatively) big city of Auckland, New Zealand (1.5 million population) to the remoteness of Upolo Island in Samoa. A kind of break from reality for the next six months. […]
A Super Food That Burns Fat Like Nobodies Business
A couple of weeks into our Samoan vacation and I am still getting my head around the Markets, food availability and quality. There are some fantastic fresh food choices over here, much of the availability of food that burns fat however is dictated by the season.
Today I wanted to talk about 5 super foods that are wonderful at helping get rid of belly fat. […]
The Fastest Way To Lose Weight Is Staying Hydrated… Maybe
It’s stinking hot here is Samoa today. And as luck would have it we have experienced our first (of what according to locals will be frequent) water outage.
No water to wash the dishes, clothes, hands or have one of my daily cold showers to bring the temperature down a notch or two.
Fortunately (or unfortunately as the case may be) we don’t drink the water in Samoa unless it is boiled or bottled. So thankfully I have a stash of ice cold water waiting in the fridge and the freezer. Crisis averted. […]
Why Excess Traffic Noise Makes It Hard To Get Rid Of Belly Fat
It sounds ludicrous I know. But a recent study published in the Journal Of Occupational & Environmental Medicine claims just that.
If you live near roads, railways or airports where there is a high volume of traffic then you could be at a greater risk of developing excess fat and your will find it hard to get rid of belly fat.
OK, do you agree it sounds a little far fetched? […]